Superman hits the bottle  

Posted on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 at 05:09 PM. About

When I first sat down to type up something or other for the page, I started to launch off on another clichéd rant about lost youth and holidays and candy, but I decided against it. Instead, I will trust the reader to know what I was going to whine about when I mention that I plan on spending my Halloween watching the Avalanche cream the Blues (hockey) and throwing boxes of Dots at the people who come to the Sanborn open house.

Oh yes, there shall be a mighty reckoning...

Anyway, all is well enough.

Update: I think I was going to write more up there. Oh well.
Nobody came to the open house, and the Blues didn't do nearly as badly as I had initally feared, so I loaded my camera, went outside, walked around, and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. Aside from the usual sloppy action along Frat Row, Halloween turned out to be just like any other night, despite that craaazy full moon. I did pass one costume-themed house party, though. Superman was chasing a she-devil out of the party as I walked by, the Man of Steel trying to cool the succubus's ire over a comment he made about the party's lack of beer.
To the immortal defender of Ames, I say this: you were in a house surrounded by interesting people clad in a variety of exciting costumes and disguises, and you still needed the liquor to have a good time? Superman, Superman, Superman. I thought you knew how to party, and look at you now, chasing yourself out of the only real game in town. How far you have fallen. What hope can there be for the rest of us when even you have lost your 'cool'ness?

To conclude, Halloween was a bust... though I was relieved to see some high school kids dressed up, soliciting candy, flirting shamelessly, and having a good time. I think there's hope for this town yet.

Microeconomics, part 1  

Posted on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 at 01:55 PM. About Links to correct.

Economics class!

...yeah. Woo, woo, woo. Sure.

Two things this time. First, I have discovered a different kind of game, and it's called "Hypermail."
This is what it looks like when everything is okay.
Whee. A day of wrestling with it has put me right off being a geek. It's not that it's hard to use or anything, it's just that people who use Microsoft Outlook break it. Grr. So I'm definitely going into photography now.

Secondly, drukqs is exactly what you would hope an Aphex Twin album would be like, which is to say, strange, bizarre, and esoteric to the point where no one but Richard D James and his custom Moog synthesizers really 'get it.'
Also, it would make good Halloween music.

What? Freedom? Alright! I will go now.


Posted on Monday, 22 October 2001 at 08:01 PM. About

Why am I updating so much? Why don't I shut up? What, in a nutshell, is wrong with me? Hmm. Well, here, three more items from my life:
+ Drukqs comes out tomorrow. My local corporate music outlet will be open from midnight to twelve-thirty as part of their usual "New Release Hours" program, and I think I will sneak out there. I wouldn't recommend this method of scoring the album to everyone, but you should pick it up if at all possible.
+ Somehow I am part of the KURE Web Crew, and will be wrecking their design soon too. One of the other guys on the committee had a lot of neat ideas, so I am looking forward to being very busy with that.
Finally, as long as I have established my complete geekiness, I just want to say "Dodonpachi".
Purple things   Beam of Death   Aieeee!
 Sitting in a chair and playing it becomes an aerobic exercise of sorts, because... well, I would direct your attention to the outside pictures. It's scary... and there are people who go to arcades and pump money into these things to relax, as I suppose there must also be people who go out and play rugby with pit bulls to relax. I should look into buying a camera, and becoming a photography geek instead... I could dig photography.

Three things  

Posted on Sunday, 21 October 2001 at 09:22 PM. About

Three things.
One: I am registered for classes in the spring now. It goes a little something like this.
Two: It looks like the search engines are starting to index the 'Fish, and we (Joan's on the fish... and you could be too!) are starting to get some weird hits.
Which reminds me: Fashion poem, fashion poem, fashion poem, fashion poem, fashion poem. Madison pours beauty onto vanity's shoulders.
So to everyone I used to know who has stumbled here via the photo galleries: uhh... hello. Please, try not to take any of this seriously yet; I'm still trying to decide what to make of it all myself. But... thanks for taking the time to read this much.
Three: I hope the Abduction of Robert McMahon isn't indicative of some curse on my family no one told me about. The thought of losing half an arm doesn't bother me so much. I'm just afraid that watching the murders of my flesh, blood, and love of my life all at once would pretty much destroy me from the inside out and eradicate my soul, you know?

Hidden message in the source  

Posted on Friday, 19 October 2001 at 11:10 PM. About

No real structural updates or anything like that this time; just a short statement.
I've had processor, memory, and video upgrades singing in Silph for a while now. It's glorious. The hard drives have stopped thrashing, the web browsers can finally keep up with the campus network connection, and I can run more than one mid-weight program at once now.
And what am I doing with all this ramped up hardware?
You win!
Metal Slug! I finally beat it, and it only took me 31 credits! That's about two pizzas right there, or one Alex Gordon CD. I almost cleared 19xx too, but Silph felt like taking a little break, so it rebooted and I got a soda instead.
I don't like battleships...
I think that's pretty much it. I like shooters. I am a big geek. I admit all.
Thank you for your time.

Giant pizza suit picture  

Posted on Wednesday, 17 October 2001 at 04:49 PM. About

My gosh, it's a gorgeous night tonight. The weather is warmer than it has been all day--no, all week--and everything is perfectly still. Well, still except for the marching band wandering around campus and the "Yell Like Hell" auditions in front of the Campanille and whatever it is that is going on in central campus. The entire central campus is roped off. Odd.
This is mostly for Jesse, but I think most people will be amused by it: I found a scanner and finally got that crazy pizzaboy pic scanned in. Check it out, then go outside and enjoy the night. Ooh...

Iron Chef America  

Posted on Sunday, 7 October 2001 at 07:10 PM. About

I want to go on record as saying that the new Iron Chef disappoints me. William Shatner? Michael Burger? "Iron Chef American" and "Iron Chef Asian"?
Just what is American cuisine (besides an oxymoron)? Will I still be able to see Morimoto Masahatu, Sakai Hiroyuki, and Ota and Fukui-san on the Food Network twice a day? And what is the deal with all of the hockey player-sounding names, like Jean-Francois Meteigner and Marcus Samuelsson? Do I just watch too much hockey?
Wow, Bruce Vilanch will be a judge on the first show. Interesting... but a lot of the humor of the original series came from the fact that no one was really being irreverent--that everyone took the show gravely seriously. This created some very odd situations (like an upstart young chef staking his fledgling career on a 'Tuna Battle') that were quite delightful to watch.
I'm afraid to think what Iron Chef American would make with tuna.
But mostly, I just fear change, I suppose. Since I don't get UPN, I probably just shouldn't worry about it anyway...

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